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How to Determine Direct Mail Services Pricing

You're not sure how to determine direct mail services pricing. After all, comparing apples-to-apples isn't always easy. But a few key factors should be taken into account. You should ask to see samples of work and visit the facility if possible. In addition to comparing pricing, a site visit gives you an idea of how the company works. After all, if it's the first time you've used a direct mail service, this is a chance to find out what you'll be paying for.

Direct mail services can range from a few cents per person to $10 per piece depending on the size and complexity of your mailing list. Costs can range from 30 cents per person to $10 per piece, and can include everything from design to copywriting, printing, and distribution. Some companies work with vendors to keep their costs down. Others prefer the highest quality for their campaign. But regardless of the type of mailing service you choose, you should be aware of the setup and printing costs.

Some direct mail services charge extra fees if they are running multiple campaigns. For example, if your mailing list is growing, expect to pay more for redesigns, reprints, and resupplies. Most direct mail services will charge you an additional fee to keep working with you - much like landlords will increase your rent after a year or two. But don't let that scare you - it's a small price to pay for the best results.



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